Workshop: Value Design Sprint

Value Design Sprints - Innovation, Reinvention and Transformation - REINVENTIS - Munich

Value Design Sprint: Fast and tested solutions for companies and their brands, products, services or real estate

The problem

In my experience, companies and their brands, products, services or properties are often faced with the challenge of developing and testing innovative solutions quickly and efficiently. Traditional approaches are often time consuming and do not deliver validated results, leading to delays and ineffective solutions. However, in a rapidly changing market environment, fast action is crucial to remain competitive.

This is a unique opportunity for you

The customized Value Design Sprint Workshop from my strategy consultancy REINVENTIS. This format enables companies to develop solutions that have already been tested by the target groups in a short period of time - 1 to 5 days. The Value Design Sprint Workshop combines the principles of design thinking with agile methods and tools to react quickly to market changes and create transformative solutions.

Contents of the workshop

  • Module 1: Preparations for the Value Design Sprint
  • Module 2: Understanding and sketching
  • Module 3: Brainstorming
  • Module 4: Voting, decision-making and implementation
  • Module 5: Protoyping, testing and validation
  • Module 6: Tools for fast and agile problem solving

    My promise

    With the Value Design Sprint Workshop, I promise you a transfer of knowledge about fast and efficient methods and their tools to develop tested solutions for your innovation, reinvention or transformation projects in just 1 to 5 days. These solutions are tailored to the needs of your customers, users and stakeholders and deliver sustainable results. This gives you a clear competitive advantage and enables you to successfully lead your business into the future.

    Versatile formats

    • Online workshops: Interactive online sessions that allow you to participate from anywhere and remain flexible.
    • Face-to-face workshops: Personal meetings with me for intensive exchange, know-how transfer, moderation and practical exercises.

    My services

    Preparation, implementation and follow-up of the format according to your needs and budget.

    Contact me

    Contact me today to learn more about how I can help you transform, innovate and reinvent yourself. I look forward to working with you and increasing your success!

    Yours, Erik A. Leonavicius


    Phone: +49 (0) 89 23 88 90 52

    Together we can master your challenges and develop transformative solutions - with the Value Design Sprint Workshop, which combines creativity and value creation in the shortest possible time.

    Shaping the future - securing existence

    Shaping the future for companies - innovation, reinvention and transformation - REINVENTIS - Munich - Strategy Consulting


    Would you like to make your company fit for the future and possibly reinvent it in order to be prepared for future challenges?


    Brand Innovation - REINVENTIS - Innovation Consulting - Munich - Reinvention - Strategy


    Do you want to position your brand for the future and build a strong real and virtual brand presence?


    Shaping the future of products, services and services - Innovation, Reinvention and Transformation - REINVENTIS - Munich

    Products & Services

    Do you want to develop products and services that meet future market needs and strengthen your competitiveness?


    Shaping the Future of Real Estate - Innovation, Reinvention and Transformation - REINVENTIS - Munich

    Real Estate

    Would you like to focus your real estate business on the future and develop innovative solutions?


    Cross-industry collaboration with start-ups to established companies

    Objectives of the cooperation

    • Improve the existing
    • Digitize necessary
    • Market relevant
    • Successfully expand
    • Innovate and create value
    • Shaping the future

    Focus of the collaboration

    • Business
    • Brands
    • Products
    • Services
    • After-Sales
    • Real Estate

    Formats of cooperation

    • Consultation
    • Workshops
    • Sprints
    • Sparring
    • Keynotes
    • Trainings

    Principles of cooperation

    • Transparency, partnership and joy
    • Independence in thought and action
    • Quality, on-time and on-budget solutions
    • People-centered and results-oriented developments
    • Proven methods and tools
    • Added value for everyone involved


    Participant feedback from the online and face-to-face formats

    "... good and convincing results in a very short time ..."

    "... absolute practical relevance ..."

    "... Lecturer is understanding, human, sympathetic, competent ..."

    "... for once no mere orientation, but actually valuable for one's own future ..."

    "... everything was well explained from the beginning, including the basics ..."

    "... easy to understand - even if you have no previous knowledge ..."

    "... the very friendly and motivating manner of the workshop leader ..."

    "... many good and up-to-date practical examples, clearly presented by pictures ..."

    "... the opportunity to be creative yourself ..."

    "... the many videos and examples from 'real life' ..."

    "... the time to work on one's own ..."

    "... up-to-date and good slides and documents ..."

    "... very interesting structure ... a new way of learning ..."

    "... to get a little taste and understanding of agile methods ..."

    "... the group composition and strength ..."

    "... the informal setting - everyone is equal ..."

    "... the very calm manner of the trainer. Top! ..."

    "... good mix of theory and practice ..."

    "... no long-windedness - to the point! ..."

    "... Lecturer is understanding, human, sympathetic, competent ..."

    "... for once no mere orientation, but actually valuable for one's own future ..."

    "... absolute practical relevance ..."

    "... the group composition and strength ..."

    "... everything was well explained from the beginning, including the basics ..."

    "... easy to understand - even if you have no previous knowledge ..."

    "... no long-windedness - to the point! ..."

    "... very interesting structure ... a new way of learning ..."

    "... to get a little taste and understanding of agile methods ..."

    "... the very friendly and motivating manner of the workshop leader ..."

    "... the informal setting - everyone is equal ..."

    "... good and convincing results in a very short time ..."

    "... many good and up-to-date practical examples, clearly presented by pictures ..."

    "... up-to-date and good slides and documents ..."

    "... the time to work on one's own ..."

    "... good mix of theory and practice ..."

    "... the many videos and examples from 'real life' ..."

    "... the very calm manner of the trainer. Top! ..."

    "... the opportunity to be creative yourself ..."